Wednesday, July 30, 2008

cha cha changes

wow what a month. there has been a ton o' changes. little pua, aka halo, was born on the 18th and she is freaking cute. thank goodness for garrett's good looks. our very dear friends the garstkas will be returning to oregon soon and we got to see the satellite pics of the house they will rent. tiff and i finally scored a day job that starts in 7 more shifts...what! what! elle and the nugget moved back to the burg(thank goodness!) and we made some new friends, the grands. hey bob, vicki, and the grandkids.

we had dinner at the grands, and what a good time. they are such chill folks. picture this... a stellar new house constructed by bob the builder, 4 kids ages 3-11, a cat, glitter pens, some cake, a mysteriously placed bowl of ice cream, and the grown-ups all outside wrapped up in gossip and tales of emergency medical mayhem. now believe or not we left with only one small hole in a door, a 3 year old boy crying over a pink dress and high heels he had to leave behind, and hugs with promises of future dinner parties. the grands were terribly gracious that night and nothing the kids cried, screamed, tattled about phased them. thanks bob and vicki.

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