Finally we get into St. Helens, and take the left that our GPS and mapquest directions told us to. It should have tipped us off then that maybe we were taking a wrong turn when all of the traffic was still going straight. Turns out that the directions were taking us to Columbia meadows, Oregon near Dear point, instead of Columbia Meadows Amphitheater. So, here we were, going deeper and deeper into no man's land, when our GPS goes out on us. Then, the little cell service we had...GONE! Then, the batteries to the phone...DYING! WHAT! We thought we were in a horror movie. Beth and myself were being the stereotypical girls and were freaking out. We had Daniel stop on top of this hill, so we could try and get the GPS going. So David, be ha-freaking-larious, opens the door, and we started screaming. Not that we were being dramatic in the least. Once we hit the gravel road, we thought it was best if we turned around. Don't ask us why we didn't turn around earlier. Needless to say, the concert started at 7:00 and we got there just after 9:00. Jack had only been playing for about 20 minutes, so we didn't miss too much. Here we finally were, in the midst of his fabulous talent and 20,000 people! We enjoyed ourselves.
Besides hitting up the doggy park, we took them to the river! As you can see, they had a blast. Porter is such a little water dog. He swam around quite a bit and would even come way out in the middle with us. Gertrude loves the water, but doesn't really like to go where she can't touch. I think she got that from her grandma P. We found a great little area where the mckenzie passes through close to our house, so I think the pups will be enjoying the river more often!
They allowed us to help document their love for one another, and what a joy it was. The way they looked at eachother when they thought we weren't looking, was beauty all in its own.
I was a little nostalgic while photographing the two of them. Though Beth, only a few years younger, I couldn't help but think of her when she was little. The way she helped me escape the dreaded meatloaf smothered in ketchup, the way I would wake her up from her nap and then act like she had magically just waken up so that I could play with her, the way her hair was ALWAYS cut the same, and the way she was always there for me...is always there for me. I love you B.
I know I can speak for David and myself when we say, "D, welcome to the family!" Although the time I have known you is much shorter, you have been there and encouraged us countless times. We are so excited for you two. We love you and can't wait for the big day!