Saturday, August 2, 2008

The Countdown Continues

here we are up at 1:30am half wroking, half playing. just 5 more nightshifts left. we're not quiting our nursing jobs yet, but we both have short-timers syndrome from our pending nightshift to dayshift change. short-timers is an acute illness with the classic symtoms of hypomotivatia, acute on chronic tardiness, lowcensucytosis, preshift nausea, excessive goal setting and hyperexcitia with the daylight.
everyday we talk about what will be better, what will be different. we will hit the gym regularly, stop eating so bad, focus more on our educational goals, sleep better... ect. regardless of what we actually accomplish we both agree that we'll feel better. nightshift really is a lifestyle. if you have enough of a manic personality you can just not sleep and flip back and forth from living your life at night then day then back to night again. when we worked 12 hour shifts this was easier because we were only working 3 nights a week, but for all the people out there working eight hour shifts it is mas dificil, and we feel your pain.

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