Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Hot Digidy!

WOOT! i am currently pulling my last regularly scheduled night shift. finally! yes i had preshift nausea, yes i was tardy, yes Tiff and i both did our best to get low censused. but now that i'm here and am wired up on Traders Joe's Italian dark roasted beans, i feel great and could work all night. usually person ethics can sometimes cloud my generosity with ludicrous patient demands, but tonight is the night for give em what they want so they go away (within good medical practice of course). Tiff has one more official night shift tomorrow, but yes, she is signed up for low census. just a reminder for all those unfamiliar, low census means that when there are few patients the hospital calls you and lets you have the night off so they don't have to pay you to stand around all night. our only problem is that we need the paycheck so when we get called off we take vacation time instead, so this month has really drained our vacation hours.
i must comment that even though i said this is my last night shift, i will probably work them again for the right $$. not ever scheduled, but certainly if the $$ is right i could pull one or two her and there.
yesterday we had a session with the newly engaged Kalani and his beautiful soon to be permapartner B'. dang! they are a hot couple. everybody check them out in our "in love" section on our website. they were great fun. both of them are so chill and generally happy people, so things went smooth. congrats to you both.
today we had a session with our first senior rep, Richard. this guy has a million dollar smile. we just did a quick promo shoot but he opened up quick and started having a good time with us. p.s. his mom is the best friggin' brownie maker in the whole eugene area. for two years now she has been bringing brownies to work. some think it's just for me, but i must stand by my platform, that the brownies are for all to share regardless of how many i eat. richard ratted her out and told us she makes a big pan of them but only leaves this tiny square for the family at home then takes the rest to work. dang i'm gonna miss "Felicitas" and her brownies. Thanks for always making us feel loved in such a tumultuous environment Felicia.

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